Puddles, spray bottles, paddling pools and rain. These certainly bring back childhood memories for me, particularly wading in very large, muddy puddles! Even now, with the children in the car we search for the best puddles to drive through to create the biggest splash. Quite simply, water is fun!

Water is a plaything that fosters curiosity, imagination, and experimentation-and it is free. You will find water tables and various forms of water play both indoors and outdoors at nurseries, preschools and kindergartens. This is because water play can be the catalyst for building concepts, developing language, and promoting social skills. Water is intriguing, exciting, ripe for exploration and experimentation. Because of this we see children drawn to explore its structure and properties.

Through children’s natural fascination with water, the mindful adult can lay out some thoughtful provocations, inviting children to play. No matter their age, ability, gender, culture or language, children will make the most of water play, exploring in their own way. It doesn’t have to be a fancy water table, in fact the best water play can come from those lovely bits and pieces you have around the house.

How about a tea party?


 Don't mind if I do!


Or watering the plants.

Watering the plants4

I'll get the watering cans!


Then there's transporting water - filling and carrying, doing my work.


It is simply fun to play with water. And so good for fostering cognitive development, teaching mathematics and science concepts, enhancing physical skills, promoting social learning and cooperative effort, and enriching language experiences.